It is a moment of joy and celebration for all bharatiyas, all members of ACACI that change is in the air, change in the cause of protection of dharma.
Wishing you every success in your new responsibility. Your dedication to satyam will spread into the hearts and minds of institutional members and take the institutions to great heights of excellence in the service of bharata maataa.
Our prayers are with you. Jeevema s'aradah s'atam, may you live a hundred autumns.
Dr.A.Surya Prakash appointed Chairman, Prasar Bharti Board
Dr.A.Surya Prakash has been appointed as Chairman, Prasar Bharti Board for a full term of 3 years, on the recommendation of the three member committee headed by the Hon'ble Vice President, and consisting of Chairman, Press Council of India and the President's nominee i.e. Secretary, Information and Broadcasting. Dr.A.Surya Prakash has vast experience of both TV and print media. He has held key positions in several print and electronic media organizations. He was Editor, Zee News, a 24-hour TV News Channel; Executive Editor, The Pioneer; India Editor, Asia Times, a business and political daily published from Bangkok and Singapore; Political Editor, Eenadu Group of Newspapers; and Chief of Bureau, Indian Express, New Delhi. He is also known for his well-researched interventions on national political issues. He is the Founder-Director of the Film and Media School at the Institute of Integrated Learning in Management, New Delhi and Founder-Director of the Pioneer Media School. He is currently Consulting Editor of the Pioneer and a Distinguished Fellow at the Vivekananda International Foundation, a New Delhi based Think-Tank.
The decision of the committee was communicated by the Hon'ble Vice President.
S. Kalyanaraman
परोपकाराय फलन्ति वृक्षा: परोपकाराय वहन्ति नद्यः।
परोपकाराय दुहन्ति गावः परोपकाराय इदं शरीरम्।।
'' When people hurt you Over and Over think of them as Sand paper.They Scratch & hurt you, but in the end you are polished and they are finished. ''
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