- WORK: B - Veda chanting, Veda preservation, Scriptural studies, studying other disciplines and teaching to other castes. Performing Yagas (sacrifices) for individual and common good.
- S - Doing all types of physical work with dignity.Helping other caste in their efforts. Offering services.
- EARNING: B - By Daana (donations) from other castes or other Brahmins, by endowments and charities by Kings and landlords and other rich persons. As Veda chanting is done for common good, they do not get individual salaries from any one except Dakshina for some performances on one off basis.
- S - They are paid for the services done. They are employed under other castes and get periodic salaries in cash or kind.
- LIFE STYLE: B- get up before 5 AM. Bath. Morning Sandya etc. Pujas, Bramha Yagya, Veda chanting, teaching others, conducting Sacrifices. Noon Bath, Madyanikam, Veda chanting, teaching, evening bath, Sandya etc. No after noon sleep is allowed. Strict rules in dressing and hair arrangement apply.
- S - No rigid rules apply. But the whole day they do work for others for salary. No rules of bathing, no rituals prescribed.
- FOOD: B - strict restrictions apply. Vegetarian food avoiding Onion, Garlic, hot spices, some vegetables like drumstick, radish etc. Food to be prepared under pure conditions, offered to God and then only taken. Only two meals allowed in a day. No breakfast or evening tiffin etc. No food older than 6 hours or so. No fermented drinks. No eating with holding food in hand or while standing. No outside food allowed. Strict fasting on Ekadasi and other Vrata days.
- S - very few restrictions apply. Beef and pork not allowed. No timing or frequency. Purity not specified. Any food any where any time is allowed. No need for in-house food.
- WORSHIP: B - generally worshipped Vedic Gods through various rituals and sacrifices. Temple worship also was there but in-house rituals were given priority. Vedanta studies and Spiritual aspiration encouraged.
- S - Mostly worshipped various village gods and Temple worship of Siva, Visnu, Durga, Pillayar, Murugan, Kali etc. More involvement with Bhakti. No one prevented them from Vedanta studies or Yoga, Siddha etc. The large number of books in Tamil, Kannada, Telugu etc on these subjects written several centuries back is a proof of this.
- COMMON DHARMAS: Be good, do good, do not kill or steal or rape or have other's wife etc. No falsehood, no cheating, no harming other beings excepts as part of food or sacrifice. Marriages to be in-same-caste only. ALL THESE ARE DHARMAS COMMON TO ALL CASTES.
think of them as Sand paper.
They Scratch & hurt you,
but in the end you are polished and they are finished. ''