Adhi Sankara's great legacy for us. -- This is just 25 questions answers out of his PRASNOTHRA RATHNA MALIKA in simple sentences for easy understanding. This introduction should infuse the interest in you to read it sometime later to read more of this.1. What should be accepted? Guru’s advice
2. What should be avoided? Bad acts .3. Who is the Guru?
He who knows the truth and thinks of the good of his students.4. What should be done speedily? Attain salvation by avoiding repeated birth and deaths.
5. What is good for you? Dharma is good for you.6. Who is learned?
He who is wise7. What is poisonous? Disregarding advice of elders .
8. What is the ultimate of ordinary life? Thinking about the ultimate.9. What should men yearn for?
The good of themselves and others.10. What makes you tipsy like alcohol? Desire (attachment) .
11. What is the climbing tendril in domestic life? Desire.12. Who is your enemy? Laziness .
13. All people are afraid of what? Death.14. Who is blinder than the blind?
Man with desire15. Who is valorous?
He who controls his mind
16. What is the nectar which can be eaten by our ears?
Advice by great people .17. What is the root for recognition?
Not asking for favours from any body .18. What cannot be measured?
The damsel’s gait .
19. Who is wise?
He who is not deceived by women.
20. What is sorrow? Being not satisfied21. What is debasing? Being forced to beg from a debased man.
22. What is hi-fi life? Living a life without faults23. What is ignorance?
Not getting trained in anything24. Who is awake?
Wise man .25. What is sorrow?
The foolishness of all living beings.
'' When people hurt you Over and Over
think of them as Sand paper.
They Scratch & hurt you,
but in the end you are polished and they are finished. ''
think of them as Sand paper.
They Scratch & hurt you,
but in the end you are polished and they are finished. ''
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